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One of the Crusader's most important skills that are Diablo 4 Items readily available right from the beginning Punish lets players attack an opponent to gain tougher senses. This improves the player's chance of blockage by 30% for two seconds. Punish comes with an ultimate skill in the form of Counterattack Storm. This ability can boost Punish for 12 seconds whilst also hitting all enemies between the Crusader and the enemies.

This does not just increase the amount of damage per hit, but increases the chances of block which effectively turns the Crusader into a temporary 1-man army. Players also receive a shield that will help take on the damage for around 3 minutes. It's a great primary technique that deals damage but also allows for a high level of survivability particularly when fighting bosses with more power.

A level 1 skill whereby players can throw a rotating shield at enemies and deal damage to all enemies that are in its way. Like a boomerang shield will then return to the player as well as pull enemies onto its return trajectory towards the player whilst dealing additional damage. Speeds of movement of enemies decrease when they are hit by the shield's spinning thus making it an ideal technique to use against opposing players as well as Diablo 4 Boosting bosses, and so players are encouraged to utilize the ability as often as they can. With a cooldown of 12 seconds, it should not be a problem.
