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It's true that for alliances, at the very least, horde could be found WoTLK Gold a more easily by using Thunder Bluff, but not Kona chicken. This is the fifth tip. I hope this tip is useful. Tip number five, and Kona chicken. It's time for tip number six. We've got a very secret vendor in one of the Horde side. We're at Thunder bluff right now, sort of in this small secret spot to the east of. There's an entrepreneur named Hapa who is the vendor selling prairie dogs?

This is right, prairie dogs who might have believed they could buy this whistle for their prairie dogs for just 45 silver. Let's go get one of these. They are extremely popular and sell anywhere between 12 and 21 gold depending on the server you use and the auction house neutral because the Alliance don't have X means to their prairie dogs. If you decide to do this, you'll create some fantastic gold Alliance players. Check the auction house that is neutral and make sure to relist it on the Alliance auction house to get an excellent markup.

You'll make a lot of gold. This is an undiscovered secret that which not many people are aware of and you should definitely investigate it and that's tip number six. It's all right, folks. In Tip 7 we're moving onto the Horde side. We've got WOW WoTLK Classic Gold who is the snake seller here in Orgrimmar. He has three snakes available in this case, the Crimson snake and the black king snake, and Brown snake.
