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In particular, although Runescape has received updated builds and technology throughout the years, a large portion of its players aren't keen to experience new games after being with the same game for several years. Developer, Jagex supports this segment of the community as well, it's worth noting however, one of the main issues that have been raised recently is that the game did not have a backup system when it was first launched OSRS gold.

Although there aren't many games from the 2000s that have active communities to pick from, Runescape is surely one of the most well-known entries in the niche. Without backups and a rising necessity to ensure that old files are in a safe place for future reference certain Runescape users are asking players in general to determine whether some of their drives and disks hold copies of the game which is still around. Reddit user Hlwys posted that they've got an exclusive search tool that simplifies the process to the greatest extent possible. The best news is that a few users have already submitted the files already.

According to Hlwys Jagex has only two fully-functional legacy versions of Runescape that was one from 2003. and the other from 2007. since it didn't have any backups that were complete up to 2012. The current efforts are primarily referring to the 2005 version of the game this will be an enormous blessing for Hlwys efforts to save some original versions for players who would like to know what one of the most popular free-to-play MMORPGs ever appeared like in the past.

Of of course, Jagex is still adding important elements in Old School Runescape, underlining the importance of this version of the game is just as current like it was decade years ago. Although the majority of the game has remained the same through the years, compatibility and quality of life updates continue to be delivered with a fairly steady pace. The efforts of the community to locate old game builds aren't going to aid in this regard but they will assist in documenting the original game's development history for years to be.

In other news related to this, Jagex recently trademarked Eldergate although it's unclear what this IP could be referring to. It's certainly supposed as "video gaming software" that's some kind of thing however, it's also possible that Jagex is currently developing a brand new, non-Runescape development behind the scenes cheap RS gold. As with all news it's a matter of time will be able to tell.
