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When it comes to RuneScape lore - never forget the questlines. There I've encountered gothic terror as well as epic fantasy, and the desire of one man to bake a cake OSRS Gold. I'll never forget the time of my time in The Temple of Light, even when I wish I could. Then there's Old School RuneScape through which I can travel in time to the first game I discovered and fell in love with.

I've had breaks, mostly while playing an exciting game from RuneScape over the decades. The longest was when Evolution of Combat (also known as EoC) was released. the ability and action bars were in direct conflict with the RuneScape section of my brain.

RuneScape has always finds a way to snare me and this time there was the Legacy Combat Mode, which was a return to the tick-based warfare that was the norm in. EoC and me have one of the most turbulent relationships; mostly due to reluctance on my part, however I'm trying. Rarely.

My diaries contain notes about my latest RuneScape accomplishments, particularly when I obtain a brand new ability-based pet, but they must also fill my diary with a few musings on what Indie Games I've played. I also share an rant about my lack of Log Stool homemade recipes from Animal Crossing: New Horizons. I'm currently working on a list of what I'd love to do in RuneScape over the next few years.

It would be nice to develop my Dungeoneering ability (unlikely) and revamp my money pit house. Maybe I'll do that Salt in the Wound quest One time I longed for this quest buying rs account, after a friend mentioned about a particular pillar in case you are aware of. Since then I've never had the motivation to tackle it, but perhaps 2022 could be the year.
