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Take the elevator out of Lupen Port and turn immediately toward the east towards the small jumping point across the chasm. When you've crossed Lost Ark Gold, make your way to the center of the huge space on the other side. It's an area with a cactus clump with six cacti with yellow flowers. There are two more to their left. The mokoko seed is hidden in the middle of the larger patch.

Mokoko Seeds Four And Five - The Secret Path

If you're beginning in the Outskirts located just outside Lupen Port, head north to where you'll find the Research Camp. Once there, leave east and follow the path southeast until it becomes a fork. Then, take the narrow fork to the south that appears to be dead end. It is actually winding south , passing the point of the jump on the map before turning to the east. Keep going to the final point to find tiny dusty areas and two more seeds hidden clearly visible on the surface.

Mokoko Seed Six - Research Camp

Begin walking along the north trail which runs from Outskirts to Research Camp. When you reach this Research Camp area, keep moving straight to the north until you hit the cliff on the north side. Keep following the cliff as it moves to the northwest. You'll encounter the next mokoko in some Cacti.

Mokoko Seed Seven - Northwest Guard Post

In the end, you'll get to the Guard Post Triport. You should head straight towards the southeast, like you're heading to Research Camp. The path will pass by a massive rock before you'll come across another, beside dead trees at the edge of a small fracture in the ground cheap Lost Ark Gold. The final mokoko seed of Arid Path is at the base that of the tree.
