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Stenter, for it, I must be familiar with it, because the shaping machine mentioned above belongs to it. However, the editor is starting from the overall situation and starting from the whole, to lead everyone to learn and understand this kind of equipment, so as to enrich everyone's knowledge, and then, to increase the amount of knowledge.


Flat Screen Printer, the dyeing and finishing equipment, refers to a type of equipment used for dyeing and finishing of cloth or fabrics, for example, such as dryers, dehydrators, throwing dryers, setting machines, and shrinking machines And check the volume machine and so on.
Question 1: What does the grid in the dyeing and finishing equipment mean?
Answer: The grid in the dyeing and finishing equipment refers to the road, or the number of turns.
Question 2: On which side is the power part of the dyeing and finishing equipment installed?
Answer: The power part of the dyeing and finishing equipment can be installed either on the left side or on the right side.
