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NBA 2K20 was an excellent example of 2K22 MT corporate influence diluted product. These companies were able to create ads for the event, which is an opportunity that should not be missed. Gatorade, Beats and other companies were prominently displayed throughout the game.

Advertising became tedious quickly. I'm not against being a passive advertiser in the Neighbourhood however, I strongly disapprove of the way products are pushed on users. I would like to see these cutscenes and spots removed from NBA 2K21.

MyCareer Free Agency When you have achieved a certain level within MyCareer it's possible to influence the agency decisions of your team. The MyPlayer can pick five targets for open agency that the front office can attempt to obtain. This is an entirely new feature and is a reward for MyCareer's work.

However, the free-agent period does not make sense. The possibility that five of the players selected will join your team when they are free isn't explained. The salary cap doesn't have any bearing on the selections. My latest save was when Jayson Tatum and Buy NBA 2K22 MT Brandon Ingram joined the Cleveland Cavaliers with the maximum contract. It was a joke and made saving the team a breeze during my second season in Cleveland.
