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The man would follow you around all day until you dismiss him
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Dragon born
Posted On :
Apr 23, 2021
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Cooking Techniques
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The man would follow you around all day until you dismiss him
After you have verified you employment,you need to see your mercenary behind you following you.You may right-click the mercenary and OSRS Accounts then pick attack target.Your cursor would change to a crosshair and then you may select what monster you need your mercenary to fight.He would follow your commands obediently.They can answer to simple questions such as'how are you' or'is the weapon any good' or'hows your household' and many others.
The man would follow you around all day until you dismiss him and he'll go back to the bar/pub/tavern at which you hired him and remain there until you come back for him.Or you could fire him and he'd return to the place where you hired him and then you can hire new ones.
It's nothing like Pouch Creating (Summoning), aside from the fact they assist you in battle! I believe it's a fantastic idea. Also, I believe that you should add various ranks of every mercenary. Like, rank 1 uses and wears bronze, and requires a lot per fight, position 2 wears/uses iron, and needs a lot more, and so on.
Also, you can do the same with archers, simply go from leather to Black D Hide. Also, with mage, you might have black/blue robes to Infinity. Perhaps each could have another staff, from such as, Earth Staff into Air Battlestaff. I really don't understand, just an idea. Also, you should add they are just assists, and you don't get the experience from them.
Hi all, Wizard here. I will be copy-and-pasting from WordPerfect, and once I saved it there, the thread was designed for its RuneScape Forum audience. Please, pretend you were about the RuneScape forums while still studying this. :aware: NOTE: This thread is aimed in HIGHER LEVEL MAGIC, so nothing below 70. In reality, I think that the lowest level this would impact is about level 80, but I will call it seventy to Buy RS Gold support my critics. I wrote the following to provide a reason for my ideas. If you realize that high-level magic is underpowered, feel free to bypass everything in italics. You are, however, strongly recommended to read this first.