TGI Food Time
80 in Magic and Hitpoints skills and 45 or more Prayer ability level.
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Ding best
Posted On :
Jan 05, 2021
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Growing your own
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Buy Cheap RuneScape Gold From Winrsgold, Cheap Old School RuneScape Gold(OSRS Gold) & RS 3 Gold For Sale. We Offer The Lowest Possible Rs Gold Prices Along With Fast, Easy Delivery And Always Full Stock - Best OSRS Gold Site.
- There is no simple way of OSRS gold making gold as tasks vary considerably, describing each experience is beyond the scope of this manual, this entry here is only for informative purposes, aimed to provide participant a general idea of what can be done in order to better his/hers fiscal condition. Next two gold creating methods are fairly demanding concerning experience difficulty and required skills and gear are earmarked for experienced players.
Zulrah is famed for always good drops and high gold each hour prices and advantage of being solo-only experience. It demands from participant a lot of preparations but do not let this dissuade you from trying, it's worth the attempt. It is immune to melee attacks so rather than top Melee skill you will need 80 or greater Ranged skill level, at least 70 Defence skill level, 80 in Magic and Hitpoints skills and 45 or more Prayer ability level.
Get yourself Magic and Ranged armour and weapon sets (ie Armadyl armour, Mystic robes, Toxic blowpipe and Trident of the swamp), casting runes, food (we recommend shark and monkfish), combo meals for gaming tick rate purposes, anti-venom, ranging, prayer and magical potions (for the last one rather imbued heart), ring of recoils, some type of teleportation like Home Tablet and last but definitely not least runes for Vengeance spell. To be able to unlock the battle you are going to have to reach Port Tyras in Regicide questline. Once that has been done you are going to have to offer yourself as a forfeit to High Priestess Zul Harcinqa, after that you are all set and try your luck using serpent god.
To begin alching Ecumenical Keys you will need to collect them out of God Wars Dungeon first. Since it isn't a safe zone to be in you need to be careful to not die there. To get to this place, head north out of the Bandit Camp. After arriving in the dungeon make your way to the southwest. This will get you straight into the primary room. From there you wish to walk towards north and reach Zamorak safe spot. With Mage or Ranged combat you'll be able to take Imps that live in this location. They've Ecumenical Keys in their drop table which you will be attempting to farm.
Since everything takes place in the Wilderness, there's a decent likelihood you will become a target of players murdering. Make sure not to alch the keys that you have found the immediately. Instead get three or Old School RuneScape Gold two and go to the bank to monetize your loot. Alching on wilderness would lead to turning them into gold that's lost upon passing while unalched ones may be kept as safe from death punishment. A maximum of 3 keys can be held at some time and even more if you've finished some of the Wilderness Diary but generally farming two before banking is your safest choice.