TGI Food Time
This was a few of my biggest frustrations with the narrative mode
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Nanlina chen
Posted On :
Oct 15, 2020
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Food photography
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This was a few of my biggest frustrations with the narrative mode
- It's too bad you had to invest even $5 with this mess. Thanks for your review however. It's gonna be tough passing on Madden since it's one of Mut 21 coins my favorite days of the year, but this helps my decision to provide EA two wagging middle fingers this year. They push MUT so difficult to make money and that I swear they simply get the couple people who spend stupid sum of money on it every year and somehow think it's a good idea. Those people are idiots. It's so fucking sad to see exactly what this match is haha. Game is trapped in a time loop. EA has other suckers though that are cash cows for them annually.
As a casual its quite depressing, the game just doesnt feel right whatsoever. Some matters are choppy, the UI is terrible, and also face of the franchise is just boring and not thought out. Keep in mind like I said im a casual who had been actually going to fork out the 60 bucks or so so I could play with the football game. Thank goodness for for that EA play item, saved me 55 bucks or so. . I dont think I could ever get this game tbh unless they change a good deal of things regarding it. Just sucks because I was actually sold on the match just for the fun of enjoying with a soccer game and they messed up. Im getting Battlefield V flashbacks. . I immediately regret my purchase. Main reason being I need a madden when I eventually get the string x, so its not all for nothing. But its a presentation update with the lawn. This could be the smallest progress ever, its almost literally the same. My sentiments precisely, sir.
Won't be purchasing 21. It seems awful, but that is a breaking point. I have never noticed a Madden where there was not a single reason to be interested in purchasing it, before this one. Cancelled my own EA Access Too. I'll support person names when the studio deserves supporting, hard pass giving EA a continuous test ever again. I've owned every Madden because Sega Genesis days but I've regretted it for like the last decade, at least. I mainly played Draft mode last year because it had been the only way with no stupid abilities. I am 100% not buying this season. I am just so sick of the shit game. I knew this review was untrue when you gave demonstration high opinions. This is greatest Madden has been in years.
Madden 21 is awful even for a transition match between X1/PS4 into the Series X/PS5. The SB still has LIV graphics instead of LV. You have loads of glitches. The commentary is recycled a long time. The new default control scheme is awful. Nobody should squander their $ on such a shitty product. With the way games graphics have improved it's wonderful how shit the sideline and audience still are. I have bought madden every single year since 06' the day it's released. I only play online vs mode. The gameplay has so many flaws every year. . This is going to be the first season I don't purchase madden. . Type of cheap Madden nfl 21 coins sad honestly.