TGI Food Time
I finally completed my Animal Crossing miniature dollhouse
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Posted By :
Nanlina chen
Posted On :
Oct 04, 2020
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The Veggies Benefit
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I finally completed my Animal Crossing miniature dollhouse
- It is rather Puzzle Heavy too. You've got to Animal Crossing Bells use your video cam to receive clues to solves stuff to move the story forward. I liked it, but then I am(was) a hardcore BW fan so that I could be biased. Additionally wish this top was black just isn't red...
But even after that, the change port came out two months ago. I just found it odd that they'd only now tweet about it.
I finally completed my Animal Crossing miniature dollhouse!
It's much smaller than I thought it would be. Can't even imagine how painstaking doing all the detail was. Well done OP, you are so blessed! That is amazing!
For a minute I thought it was life size and I was like. . .how is this not on trending? Edit: This seemed like that isn't trending worthy but it most definitely is.
I only realized I want Animal Crossing artwork and toss pillows in my house now.
That is SO freakin cute, omg. I concur with other people who've said they need zoom out images!
Wow it comes in a box craft place you just need to put it all together. They want that in the states!
I checked that the youtube video and I was already impressed if it had been only a video about the ieniemienie-origami you did there. Rly cool! Also liked the videos! You are amazing at this
Love the small little books. They need to have been fiddly to create. Edit: after watching the movie it seems like the novels were probably the easiest part.
This is so cute!! How can you start designing dollhouse furniture? I have been wanting to do it, but I don't know where to start!
So adorable!!! I would like to also say, you put a great deal of work and thought into this, this amazing!
Just interested, why am I becoming constantly down voted on this sub? It is not the first time either. I really don't care to go downvoted when I said something dumb but that I was giving someone a compliment?
What I want to know is if any one of buy Animal Crossing New Horizons Items you obscenely creative people have managed to create irl nova or mush lamps nevertheless?