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WOW WOTLK Classic:Artifact Weapons will be gone following Legion
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Posted By :
Donna Stella
Posted On :
Feb 08, 2023
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Are there Horde/Alliance-specific followers?
Nervig The answer is no, they are neutral ones.
Have you learned any additional lessons from the previous expansions that have changed your approach to Legion?
Suramar's quests open up after hitting level 110.
- Nervig: They're specific to a class. I played the majority of WOW WOTLK Classic Gold Legion beta as a monk and had Li Li and Monkey King in my team. There are many characters from the lore supporting you.Barriga: Our fans held our feet to the fire in a small amount [because] there might not have been enough content for them to do in Warlords for the way they play. There was a lot of content for raiding, lots of PvP activities However, some players desired a little bit more.
We weren't able to support Warlords in a sufficient way by bringing up the content players had at their disposal in particular towards the end of the game. The players ran out of things to do. I don't think there was enough of an aggressive patch schedule. That's what I'm hoping to say to our players: we'll be very aggressive in making sure that there's some content in the pipeline and we won't suffer from a shortage of content as the one we had before. Even as we're getting ready for players to join Legion in the coming months, we're already working on stuff that's going to very quickly get into the pipeline of content they'll need.
St-Michel: There are the Level 110 zones, which open up. Once you've hit the level cap it's not even close to the end. You're still in Suramar that has just opened up. It's not over yet. that you're levelling. There's a lot to complete the level 110.Which actually brings us back to our new artifact Weapons. Can you explain a more about them and how they work?
Barriga: So players may be familiar with famous quest lines that were previously available where certain classes received special quests to complete and an exclusive weapon specific to their specific class. For Legion we made one quest line per class spec. Thus, mages get three distinct acquisition lines for each of their specs. Druids have four. Again, one for each one of their specifications. A highly, extremely hand-crafted narrative about how you can get the weapon. Specialized powers that are available with this weapon. Then as you grow in strength, the weapon increases in power with your growth. It's basically the class's version of Excalibur.
From what I've seen this is not going to make it into the next expansion, should one ever happen. Could you elaborate on the thinking behind that decision?Barriga In a sense it allows us to make these weapons the best we can imagine them to be. If there's anything about the power that we like and feels like this should be the primary focus of the class it is possible to transfer that ability within the core class.
If right off the bat we stated, "This is something we must carry on," you'd be looking at a much narrower field of design possibilities and more conservative powers. Some of the talents that are at the end of each branch that make up the tree can be extremely influential and change the way you play. Hence, we prefer to view them as exploratory. In a way, it's a way for us to test new ideas without the commitment of being tied to this idea from now on out forever.
Artifact Weapons will be gone following Legion however, the skins will stay.
Like Garrisons for instance, is the very first time that we said, "Hey, we really would like to test this feature However, we're not sure we want to try it out forever." I'm pretty sure it worked because everything felt extremely integral to Warlords of Draenor and by the time Warlords was done it was like, "Okay, Garrisons had their place, but we'd like to move on." Had we said garrisons are an aspect of the game rather than the expansion, we would have a very cheap WOW WOTLK Classic Gold cumbersome system to maintain and update the facelift time and again. This is a brand new design that we like better.