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I really don't see what the matter is with me that makes Madden more realistic
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Nanlina chen
Posted On :
May 20, 2020
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Holidays Ideas
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I really don't see what the matter is with me that makes Madden more realistic
- No, you can't state that a true NFL team would turn this transaction on the grounds of saving a couple hundred million bucks down. That MIGHT be the case, but it mightn't. It's also very plausible that the team from the 29 slot could say,"thanks, sucker" and jump all over it. Teams pay picks to move up 1 spot ALL THE TIME. The trade itself isn't that odd, it is who proposed it. It does not matter that it's a higher choice. The fact that the picks are Mut 21 coins so close is your issue. Propose a transaction that is similar yourself, only offer you the pick for the 29th. I wager the AI takes it. The purpose is, we're dealing in hypotheticals. My opinion is they would not really consider this broken and that this was a consideration when EA tweaked the transaction logic.
It's only been the case every time so far, although it might not be the case. You're examples of when this could be approved are examples of instances where the other team would actually gain benefit. Teams paying additional picks to move up is a world difference because the other team will acquire additional advantages. Even then why not go and prove your theory, although moving up 4 spots at the initial round is a world of difference between moving up one spot. Post an image of a screenshot of the commerce proceeding through the AI. So it looks like we're agreeing on many things here. I really don't see what the matter is with me that makes Madden more realistic, whether or not it was meant to.
There's a 0% chance this trade would be made in real life just"because". The ONLY time would be if a team doesn't believe they can find. Why on earth would anyone pay more to the specific outcome? What would you choose? Alternative A costs thousands of dollars, although they both give you the exact same exact product. If you answer anything other then you have.
However, the pay difference from select 28 to 29 is pretty negligible, and there is always. Really do not understand why you are so convinced about this; why this trade would never be suggested is more probably because #28 could have no motive to take action than #29 not being willing to take it.At the end of the day it doesn't matter why it happens because it is realistic, but I would say that $600,000 is not a minimal volume.
Overpay all of a sudden you and 10 players by that much can not resign half of your starters. You know those instances where folks attempt to measure their QB and they are like $1 million within the budget? Would have managed to Buy Madden 21 coins maintain their QB. This is clear. You don't need to agree with it, but it is still apparent.