TGI Food Time
The servers aren’t gonna be able to handle
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lowes emily
Posted On :
Nov 05, 2022
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Buy WotLK Classic Gold with fast delivery, safe, cheap and professional services. p2pah WoTLK Classic Gold Market is your best choice. please visit
- I’m now going to tell you the WoTLK Gold hard truth about phase 2. Most players, even on pvp realms, don’t care about world pvp. There is little incentive for blizzard to cater to the vocal minority on the topic who do love world pvp, because they’d have to figure out how to include the people who don’t, and that’s a much greater obstacle than it sounds. People don’t want to play fair. They want to destroy their enemies and take the easiest path possible. No matter how many people tell you they want balanced world pvp, they’re lying. They only want the illusion of balanced pvp. You can see this truth in the data. People choose realms that favor their faction by a large margin. It’s natural human behavior.
What’s more important is that phase 2 gets released so they can move on to the phase that actually matters. Phase 3, BG’s and BWL. And no matter what you say, Phase 2 is going to be released next week because blizzard is aware of this reality.
I have been reading with interest the problems players have on severely imbalanced PvP servers. Of course there’s a lot of unhappiness, recrimination and a large but uncalled for number ‘you asked for it’ comments.
But instead of blaming Blizzard, or ‘cowardly’ players, why not suggest positive steps to help Blizzard address this issue, and it is an issue. This does not appear to be a case of a minority of players going ‘cater to my needs, screw everyone else!’.
Solutions offered include faction faction cheap WoTLK Classic Gold queues, but my belief that moves should be incentivised rather than ‘forced’ stem from the idea that it makes no sense for a profit driven organization to ‘punish’ paying customers for making decisions in their own best self interest.