TGI Food Time
The same stuff towards OSRS
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Posted By :
lucy Sage
Posted On :
Jul 08, 2022
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And also certain things aren't liked in RS3 however they are okay in OSRS if done the right way. Consider GWD, Shooting Stars, Priff, and Nex. Most of these are direct copies from RS3 (like GWD) and some are slightly modified (shooting star rewards/XP rates Priff isn't an official "hub" for the community of high-tier players, and Nex is only dropping torva, and it being nerfed to be in line with OSRS BIS stats and not overpowering).
- When it comes to drop rates, and in particular the Wiki's drop rates RuneScape gold, it has enough determination to reach a fair estimate within a few days, never mind for a long period of time. What's it really matter? In terms of development, RS3 is primarily about making the highest amount of gain for the least development.
Private server is a term that is associated with negative meanings, but it's not a bad thing. In light of the time and effort OSRS receives, I don't think it's fair to consider it any other than equal with RS3 in terms in terms of "RuneScape". It is known that there are RSPSs that have been around longer than OSRS and have been receiving updates on a regular basis, aren't you? It's only negative if you observe otherwise. It's just an opinion.
I'm referring to RS3 players perform exactly the same stuff towards OSRS (see the comments below for some examples). I've never understood the struggle between players in both games. Let everyone play the game that they are most comfortable with. Each sport has its particular strengths and drawbacks. But it shouldn't be the case that they are a game.
In addition, the mythology that often told here that the majority of the OSRS community believes this is very exhausting. Personally, I think most people are not sceptical about RS at all (or even more so cheap OSRS gold, having the best to play the game). A great example is how long-time OSRS streamer Sick Nerd started playing and streaming RuneScape in the last year, and he was very successful at it, keeping and growing his audience that he accumulated playing Old School. Streaming RuneScape in those months was his most successful period on Twitch in the last few years in terms of viewers and subscribers , if I'm not incorrect.