TGI Food Time
Mokoko Seed Eight - The Landing Point
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Posted By :
Skyzhay Skyzhay
Posted On :
Jun 15, 2022
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Healthy Eating
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After a quick , roller-coaster-style Lost Ark Gold cut scene, you'll get deposited on a wooden platform. The eighth mokoko of Grayhammer Mine. Grayhammer Mine dungeon is at the rear of the platform. It's to the right of the torch, by an unidentified rock.
Explore northeast in another cave and take on the next mob of brigands. In the most northern part of the cave, is the ninth seed. It's located at the foot of a red-cloth-covered structure close to the edge of the cliff.
Head southeast to the next cavern and the inevitable brigand war. The north-facing corner of the cavern is two barrels as well as one prisoner who is in a cage. Destroy the barrels to reveal the 10th seed, which is now easily visible.
Remove the obstacle that blocks your route to the northeast . Keep moving to the right of the path. You'll find the 11th mokoko a little way along to the left of an old crate. It's also past a wooden structure.
Enter the final cavern and defeat Lost Ark Gold for sale this blood-magic. Once defeated, move to the northeastern corner of the area to find a large open wooden gate. The final mokoko seeds of Grayhammer Mine is hidden just behind the gate that's open.