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Smithing Guild. What are the two most crucial parts of Smithing?
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Dragon born
Posted On :
Nov 26, 2021
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Food Safety
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Smithing Guild. What are the two most crucial parts of Smithing?
Smithing Guild. What are the two most crucial parts of Smithing? Yes, anvils and a furnace. There's nothing else to add about this aspect of the guild. I also suggest a store that allows customers to buy or sell bars and ores that are mined or smithed however, since it's an NPC-based shop, the price you receive from selling them will be OSRS Gold lower, and the purchasing price would be slightly higher than the G.E. (this is to stop people from staying for too long while earning so lots of money, and motivating them to quit and deposit money elsewhere.) You are welcome to bring up any issues.
It was an idea I had tried to post on the official RRS forums. Since no one replied I decided to attempt posting the idea on sals. My initial idea is: Zombie Wars.
The new runescape minigame where you are transported into an alternate universe where everything is exactly the same as in normal, with the exception of certain things. Everywhere is dark and deserted and there's a creepy mist hanging about everywhere, the entire village is run-down and there are zombies and ghastly creatures all over!
The idea is that the evil forces have driven guthix and saradomin(and any gods that don't approve of zombies everywhere) out of runescape and now zamorak and other gods of evil have taken over, filling the world up with skeletons and zombies and a myriad of other vile creatures. In this minigame , you can only attack enemies and not other players. To make it easier for teams to work together There is multi-combat all over the place.
There must be at least 40 players in each game. Every player is taken to a city, whether varrock, lumbridge, or seer's village. Every player has to defend their city until all zombies are eliminated. They will arrive in waves, each becoming harder. Once they have completed waves 5 and 6 The spirits of the dead warriors will transport them to Cheap RS Gold falador where they will be able to meet teams of other cities. First thing they need to accomplish is to take on the "hive", a huge, egg-shaped, gooey, black shape that spews horrible shots at players. Once they have defeated it there's a boss zombie that emerges from the hive. It starts at level 400 and increases by 20 levels per player that remains on the field.