TGI Food Time ESO Gold Crime Guide - ESO Gold Farming Method

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  • Posted By : igvault esogold
  • Posted On : Sep 26, 2021
  • Views : 295
  • Category : On the Healthy side
  • Description : ESO Gold Crime Guide - ESO Gold Farming Method


  • In The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO), ESO Crates is significant because it lets you repair gear, expand your inventory and bank space, buy mounts, buy equipment from other players, contribute to a guild, and upgrade your weapons and armor, etc. It is undeniably important and useful, in this article will introduce ESO Gold Farming Method - A Life of Crime

    If you’re not opposed to turning to darker methods of making money, then the crime can pay in ESO. Thieving, trafficking, and murdering people can turn a profit that’s higher than your average gathering gig.

    If you’re planning on turning to the dark path, start by making sure that you’re in Stealth mode as much as possible. While you’re in Stealth, the reticle will tell you whether you’re Hidden or Detected, which is helpful for criminal activities. That said, don’t commit your crimes out in the open. If a guard kills you or makes you bribe them, your stolen goods will be confiscated and gone forever.

    Secondly, launder your items that have other uses, like crafting items, motifs, potions, equipment, soul gems, and other various utility items. It helps keep you from getting caught.

    The best way to maximize your efficiency as a criminal in ESO is to pursue and completely fill out your Dark Brotherhood, Thieves Guild, and Legerdemain skill lines. Here are the most important skills you can take:

    Trafficker (Legerdemain): Allows you to sell and launder additional goods, up to 180% of the default value (at Rank IV), equating to 140 total sales and 140 total launders per day.

    Light Fingers (Legerdemain): Increases the chance of successfully pickpocketing an NPC, up to 50% (at Rank IV).

    Locksmith (Legerdemain): Increasing your odds of picking a lock, up to 70% (at Rank IV).

    Scales of Pitiless Justice (Dark Brotherhood): Decreases Bounty and Heat from a witnessed murder or assault by up to 50% (at Rank IV).

    Padomaic Sprint (Dark Brotherhood): Makes you move up to 30% faster for 12 seconds after you assassinate an NPC (at Rank IV).

    Haggling (Thieves Guild): Gives you up to 10% in increased profits from fenced items (at Rank IV).

    Clemency (Thieves Guild): Adds a dialogue option to temporarily let you off the hook with the guards if you’re accosted by one. Lasts for 1 minute. Only works once per day.

    Swiftly Forgotten (Thieves Guild): (At Rank IV) makes Bounty disappear at a rate of 115 and makes Heat disappear at a rate of 64 per every 3 minutes.

    Dark Stalker (Vampirism): Lets you ignore movement speed penalty while sneaking, also lets you enter stealth 50% quicker at night.

    Inevitably, the fuzz will catch up with you at some point or another. This is the way of criminal life in Tamriel, and you can’t hurt or kill guards. Take The Steed Mundus Stone bonus for a 10% movement speed buff. It’ll come in handy when you need to run. You might also consider taking the Shadowy Supplier skill from the Dark Brotherhood line. It generates an NPC in Outlaws Refuges that gifts you random items once per day. Gifted items from the Shadowy Supplier can range from Edicts to Roguish Stealth Draughts, both of which greatly assist when escaping the law.

    Skills for Maximizing Your Life of Crime

    If you plan on becoming a master criminal, you should completely fill out your Dark Brotherhood, Thieves Guild, and Legerdemain skill lines. Here are some of the best skills:

    Trafficker (Legerdemain): Allows you to sell and launder additional goods at up to 180% of the default value at Rank IV. (140 total sales and 140 total launders per day)

    Light Fingers (Legerdemain): Increases the chances of successfully pickpocketing an NPC up to 50% at Rank IV.

    Locksmith (Legerdemain): Increases your odds of picking a lock to 70% at Rank IV.

    Scales of Pitiless Justice (Dark Brotherhood): Decreases Bounty and Heat from a witnessed murder or assault by up to 50% at Rank IV.

    Padomaic Sprint (Dark Brotherhood): Increases your movement speed by up to 30% for 12 seconds after assassinating an NPC at Rank IV.

    Haggling (Thieves Guild): Provides up to 10% profit increase from fenced items at Rank IV.

    Clemency (Thieves Guild): Adds a dialogue option to let you sweet-talk a guard into letting you off the hook temporarily. Lasts for 1 minute and only works once per day.

    Swiftly Forgotten (Thieves Guild): Makes Bounty disappear at a rate of 115 and Heat disappear at a rate of 64 every 3 minutes at Rank IV.

    If you’ve opted to become a Vampire, the Dark Stalker skill can also be helpful – it allows you to ignore the movement speed penalty of Sneaking and lets you enter Stealth 50% quicker at night.

    To farm ESO gold, you have to consume time and give some effort as well. If you do not want to cost a lot of money with ESO Crowns, then you can come to and seek for the special offers of ESO Crowns. All these crowns are offered by real players of ESO, Shop with confidence!